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6 Search Results Found
1 Forum: Forms «» Posted on: Sun, 02 March 2008 07:31 «» By: itroome
Open Form B From Form A within one session / Window
…Guru I need the Fllowing Functionality between to Form Calling Form A and Called Form B. When the user moves the cursor in the next record of Form A, the B remains opened [No mutile session/window] but it will be refreshed with the next Record. I…
2 Forum: Reports & Discoverer «» Posted on: Fri, 23 September 2005 00:11 «» By: itroome
How I control the Print job from Oracle Report [Most most urgent]
… I need the gerus helps.... How I control hte print job from Oracle Report. The problem is that If I do a report and print out, there should not be allowed to any user to print again. Here I also want to control the user list who can print a report…
3 Forum: Forms «» Posted on: Fri, 23 July 2004 12:04 «» By: Muhammad Aurangzaib
How I store Developer objects (Forms,Libs,procedures,Functions etc) into Oracle 9i thought Developer
… Hope u are best in yu health.... How I store Developer objects (Forms, Library, procedures, Functions etc) into Oracle 9i thought Developer Suit/Developer6i....   Pleae help me as soon as possible,,,,   From …
4 Forum: Windows «» Posted on: Mon, 05 July 2004 13:10 «» By: Muhammad Aurangzaib
Salam (Oracle not startup on XP Window) Urgent
… Hope u are best in yu health... I have a problem...I install 8.1.6 on XP Window...but there is not automatically startup on XP window... I have to startup Oracle...Would any one guide me why it is as ...and how i can slove this problem...Please Guide me…
5 Forum: Reports & Discoverer «» Posted on: Fri, 14 November 2003 19:16 «» By: Muhammad Aurangzaib
Re: Converting RPT programs (Help .RPT to .RDF)
…Hope u are best in yu health... my dear ... I have a problem that I have .RPT file for SQL*Report version 1.1.5 ... will u have idea or are u did a work on : 1-conversion .RPT to .REX and then convert to .RDF OR 2-Conversion .RPT to .RDF directly…
6 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Tue, 08 April 2003 02:38 «» By: Muhammad Aurangzaib
Re: Please solve the query... please need more yu help...thx a lot
…Todd Barry Hope u are fine and best in health... Thx for sloving my question...u fulfill my requirements. I search the analytical function in 8.1.5 document but there i got no explaintion ... and also this over (order by..) analytical function in not …

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